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English-Hindi > cedar chest

cedar chest meaning in Hindi

cedar chest sentence in Hindi
देवदार की पेटी
cedar    देवदार की लकड़ी
chest    छाती ट्रंक डब्बा
1."We found it in a cedar chest in ( Pavero's ) house.

2.Since 1987, all Lane cedar chests have been manufactured with redesigned locks.

3.The early projects included an intricately inlaid cedar chest and a jewelry box.

4.The dress, however, had not fared well in the cedar chest.

5.One of the show's six designers might decide to paint your grandmother's cedar chest.

6.Q . My daughter has an old cedar chest that belong to my grandmother.

7.Later he worked in a factory that made cedar chests.

8.You can also store clothing in a cedar chest.

9.The dress remained in a cedar chest until daughter Susan Tedder's wedding 21 years later.

10.Can I store that cedar chest in the basement?

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a chest made of cedar

How to say cedar chest in Hindi and what is the meaning of cedar chest in Hindi? cedar chest Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.